Some Happy customers

Odie- large round bed

Sophy-small round pet bed

Frankie-medium dog bed

Beau-large dog bed

Indi-medium bed

Bear-medium bed

Custom made beds to order. Choose dimensions and colours.

George-custom bed

Finn-small bed

Cara-medium bed

Luna-large bed

Cara-medium bed

Ranie-medium bed

Blitsy-custom bed

Gabi-large bed

Louis-small round

Cooper-large bed

Rocket-small round

Minkels-small bed

Flea & Minkels-small 

Browny-medium bed

 Frankie & Fudge- custom made

Shadow-small round

Gromit- medium bed

Luna-large bed

Biscuit-small round

Luna-mediumm bed

Minkels & Flea-small bed

Karoo-custom bed

Simba-custom bed

Pepper-large bed

Ziggy-largre bed

Abby-medium bed

Biscuit-small round

Karoo-custom bed

Biscuit-custom bed

Blitsy-custom cover

Milah-small round

Simon-custom bed

Simon-custom bed

Massey-large bed

Amy-large bed

Minkels-large bed

Gromit-large bed

Gromit-medium bed

Tessa-small bed

Feta-custom bed

Lucky-custom bed

Simba-custom bed

Luna-large bed

Biscuit-round bed

Misty-small round

Luna-custom medium

Maya-small bed

Foxy-large round

Klasie & Klimmie-large round

Rory & Scarlet-medium bed

Rory-large round (actually the cat's bed)

George-custom bed

Rory-large round

Rory & Scarlet-medium bed

Gemini-medium bed

Simba-medium bed

Billabong-small bed

Billabong-custom cover

Klasie & Klimmie

Lulu-small bed

Frits-small bed

Foxy-large round

Amy and Massey-large bed

Tatiana-large bed

Pam-medium bed

Massey-large bed

Milah & Storm-small round

Felix-small round

Finn-smaldl be

Jack-large round

Storm-small round

Luna-unique design medium

O'Malley-small round

Unique pet beds with designs stitched on. Each one is unique and special

Gabi-unique design medium

Wolfie sharing his bed with "the cat"

Nina, Simba and Wolfie

Cerberus-medium bed

Chloe & Minki-large bed

Beds that are great for sharing!

Jack & Jessie-custom bed

Sissy-large round

Jessie-custom bed

Sissy-large round

Paula-large bed

Simon-large bed

AWSS bed-large

AWSS bed-large

Guinea-medium bed

Medium unique design

Rocky-large bed

Something for the human